Beyond adversity and turmoil, past these rocks and rough seas, lies the safe harbor. The light in the sky and across the water forms a Tau cross. A theme of hope for Ordinal Time.

Advent Mary
In joyful expectation.

In quiet expectation, we prepare ourselves for the Lord's coming.


Lenten Journey
This desert image presents Lent as a journey with the promise of Easter in the distant sky.

The Empty Tomb
The view from inside the tomb calls us to follow Our Lord into the light of the Resurrection.

And you shall receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Finding the Lost Sheep
At the end of the day, just before the night falls, a lost sheep is brought forth out of the dismal shadows into the light. A reconciliation theme for Ordinal Time.

Christ the King
The crown of thorns that signifies death becomes radiant as a spiritual crown of light.

Flight into Egypt
They suffered a terrible journey.